Decision support without taking into account spatial information is like reading a book without understanding the semantic of words
Decision support without taking into account spatial information is like reading a book without understanding the semantic of words
Roland Grillmayer graduated in Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning at the University of Applied Life Sciences in Vienna in 2001. From 1999 to 2006, he worked at the Institute for Survey, Remote Sensing and Land Information as research and project assistant. In this time, his main research activities were focused on the analysis of landscape structure using landscape metrics to derive and model different ecological processes. Since 2006, he has been employed at the University of Applied Sciences in Wiener Neustadt as research and teaching assistant.
From 2010 to 2016, he was leading the Subdivision Geoinformatics and was responsible for the coordination and strategic orientation of all research and teaching activities within the Masters Geoinformatics degree. His main research activities were focused on the national and international standardization of geographic information. Since 2002, he has been a member of the Austrian Standardization Body and has participated in the committee ONK84 – Geoinformatics and Survey. Since 2020, he takes over the convenorship of this committee. On the international level, he has been involved since 2002 in different working groups at the technical committee ISO/TC211 – Geographic information at the International Standardization Organization (ISO).
From the 3.March 2015 until now, he is employed at the Environment Agency Austrian as senior expert on GIS and Remote Sensing. His main activities are working on different INSPIRE topics like data harmonization and validation. Furthermore, his research activities are now focused on developing a land monitoring system for nature protection based on remote data within the Copernicus program ( The data generated in the context of monitoring are published on the information platform ( that was developed and is maintained by Grillmayer and AEE.